Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pursuit of the Spectacular

Today I was reading "In the Name of Jesus" by Henri Nouwen-a recommended to all by the way! He was talking about how our society pushes individuals to be great, to pursue the spectacular and that anything less isn't good enough or individuals are somehow less than those who are spectacular. To be honest, I struggle with this because I too want to be and do things that are spectacular. I even disguise my desire with Christian words on how I want to do great things for God; and I want to see thousands come to know Christ through my preaching; and if I spoke at conferences I could reach more people. All in the name of doing spectacular things for God.

The temptation, Nouwen states, is equated to an individualistic approach to ministry. Christ himself was also tempted with this same idealogy from the devil while in the desert. In Matthew 4:6, the devil tempts Jesus to "do something spectacular, something that could win Him great applause from the people." (italics added) But Jesus didn't need great applause from the people, He didn't need to be spectacular, He didn't come to prove to the world He had something to say. The temptation to be spectacular is just that, a temptation. Christ responded with "Do not put the Lord your God to the test." (Matt. 4:7)

How do you respond when the temptation to be spectacular arises? How do you deal with the cultural pressure to be great and pursuit of the spectacular?

Henri Nouwen "In the Name of Jesus"
Matthew 4-Temptations of Jesus

1 comment:

RJ said...

Yo JV -

I like the new blog design. It's coming along. I finally decided on a name for my site...richardwestley.com it's not up yet, so don't try to link to it.

To be honest, I was very close to foregoing the whole blog thing because a deep place within me that desires to be "spectacular". I do have a desire to stand out, and it's not always for reasons that lead to the glory of God alone. Instead those desires become a source to feed my own ego.

One way I try to combat the "Hollywood" in me is by spending time with people who don't know me. That is, they don't know in the way that my family, my church and my friends know me. They don't care how spectacular I've been in those environments, because that isn't what matters to them. These relationships are build around me serving them [the child, the poor, the elderly, the prostitute] and seeking more to make Christ spectacular and me, almost insignificant.

I believe there is a verse somewhere that says, "may i decrease so that you can increase in me." I should make this a daily prayer as a resource for filling my life with more of him and less of me.
