Thursday, October 29, 2009

Flexibility is the Best Ability

Growing up a coach told me that the best ability was flexibility, well as I sat there in the circle of 20 other guys stretching I didn't quite understand what he was getting at. I figured, "I can touch my toes, isn't that good enough?"

A few years later I heard that statement again and I understood it in a completely different perspective. I realized what my coach was getting at-one needs to be able to adapt to the differing circumstances of a game and be able to change on the fly and through those changes come out successful. In the game of soccer there are no time outs and in each 45 minute half there is multiple opportunities for change. The necessity for each player to adapt and be flexible based on what the game gives him or her. It is a constant changing affect (oxymoron intended)

What and how does this apply to our spiritual lives you might be asking. Well Dave Gibbons writes in his book The Monkey and the Fish that "If there's one quality that matters most to the fate of the church in the twenty-first century, it's adaptability." The ability to change or be flexible throughout different circumstances is the one quality the matters the most for the church. Surprising...maybe, but dig deeper, below the surface. Nothing is cut and dry, black and white when it comes to our culture-today even the notion of truth, right and wrong, good and evil are being questioned. One needs to understand that Jesus is the True Constant and as we meet, greet, and treat others is not a 'one-size-fits-all' approach. Even Jesus talked and interacted differently in different situations and circumstances.

How do you live your life? Are you stuck in your ways unable to move? DO you refuse to change or be flexible to differing situations?
Or how have you been flexible and adaptable to life's changes? Share your story...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Character Qualities of an Athlete

How much is character a necessity to be successful at athletics? Where and at what point does what occurs off the field just as important as on the field of play?

Yesterday I was playing in a pick-up soccer game and there was a situation where a dispute on a call came up. Well, after the call went my teams way, a player on the other team yelled out "and you call yourself a Christian?" It got me thinking...what does a Christian look like on the field of play? How does a Christian compete athletically and what character qualities make up a great athlete on and off the field? Does one's spirituality impact positively or negatively on the field of play?

Well in the coming months, I am going to be blogging about the life of David and how I believe his life, leadership, and experiences translate into athletics and how those same character qualities he portrayed and lived out would impact greatly an athlete on the field of play.

How about you, what character qualities do you think make a great athlete? And are character qualities necessary for successful athletes?