Monday, May 4, 2009

God in a Box...Does He fit?

It is funny how our culture influences us as Christians, even when the influence is counter to what is true about Jesus and our relationship with Him. Our culture tries to tell us that if we separate everything we will be more organized, structured and more efficient with work, family and life as a whole. This also includes our faith in Christ—so that is what we have done. God is now in His own compartment along with everything else that we attempt to balance and manage each day. But God can’t be put into a box only to be confined within its corners and that is what I have been challenged with these past few months. God is bigger than we could ever imagine, so allow Him to be integrated within every aspect of your lives—not just one’s faith/spiritual compartment.
Yesterday I was talking with Ryan about this subject and he has been struggling with this idea for the past few months. He said, “it is hard for me to rely on God in areas of my life where I am gifted. When times get tough I usually just try harder and push through it. God usually isn’t on my mind, I just focus on myself and work harder.” That sediment is ‘normal’ in our culture, just work harder and YOU can do it, think positively and YOU will accomplish great things. God isn’t even in the picture let alone thought of during the process. It is difficult to allow God to take control over every part of our lives and as we wrestle through life and what this looks like, we all tend to fight back.
Alex shared with me a about a month ago how he views God and sports and has realized that most, if not all, of his life he has never allowed God into his athletic life. While playing sports year round, that time of his day has been his and he was motivated by family, friends and his coaches—but God was never there until recently. About a week later Alex and I were talking about how God needs to be integrated within football and his competition. Alex said that for the first time in his life he was free to compete to glorify and worship God with his abilities. He has always been concerned about what his coaches and teammates thought about his performance and not until this spring has been able to compete and play without worrying about there opinions. He said, all he was concerned with was how God viewed him and his performance athletically and that perspective has freed him up to play at a higher level.
He and I talked through that God's love and view of us never changes based on our performance. Our favor with the coach, playing time, how the fans view us can change and does all the time; but our God in heaven's perspective of who we are never ebbs and flows with the coming tide. It stays constant, which allows us as athletes to compete in the same manner-consistently at our highest level.

Spiritual Athletes...Bigger and Better?

So I was thinking yesterday while mowing the lawn...I have a good size yard and mow it all with a push mower, so I had some time on my hands. I was thinking about sports and athletes and wondering if and how much the spiritual side (specifically Christianity) of an athlete affects and effects one's performance. As I was thinking, there continued to be a resounding "yes" in my head; but I was struggling to fully answer the question "why?" Every athlete has some sort of God-given ability and talent and then from there one's environment, motivation, coaching, personality etc. come into play and the outcome could land anywhere from a recreational player to an athlete at the top of the professional "food-chain". So again I asked myself how much if at all does one's faith in Jesus Christ (again focusing on Christianity), impact his/her ability to perform at one's highest level athletically?

The more I thought through my questions two words continued to stay at the forefront of my mind: Consistency and Motivation. Consistency is the driving force for perfection athletically...look at the top athletes around the world and you will see that they are able to perform at the highest level day in and day out and that is what makes them great at what they do in sports. The longevity of an athlete and his/her ability to perform at a peak level is crucial to their sustainability and performance over the long haul. If you are able to perform to perfection or close to it in your sport on a consistent basis, you are the envy of all others. Or at the very least the standard that everyone else is shooting for and measuring themselves (just look to the NBA playoffs ie LeBron James, Kobe etc.).

More thoughts later on Consistency...I want to move on to Motivation because I believe it has a direct correlation to Consistency in sports. The consistency that athletes are pursuing comes from continually being motivated to perform at high levels, eating correctly, training both the mind and the body, watching film of yourself and others and the list goes on. What is the motivating factor in pushing one's body to the limits? Well, there are plenty of reasons: family, coaches, money, fame, athletic success and the list goes on-but what if all of that is not enough?

I believe that motivation and consistency when placed in the wrong areas can produce some good things-at times very successful-however, I would also say that it is short lived and that the ceiling can be pushed higher if one's motivation is placed specifically in one area. More specifically in Jesus Christ. For athletes motivation and the desire to perform at high levels comes and goes; mainly to the object/person (s)/goal one is pursuing. But what if that one thing that is motivating you never goes away, it is always before you and will always be present? No matter how many goals you achieve, the number of awards attained, the one motivating factor still remains. Not laughing in your face, or negatively berating you and your lack of success; but rather just the opposite-saying you are righteous, holy and perfect. The yoke of performance anxiety is removed and you are freed up and motivated to compete at an higher level than ever dreamed was possible because the ONE that is motivating you is ever consistent and steadfast before you. Driving you to consistency and allowing you to perform to your greatest level of ability.

Doesn't that sound great? As an athlete it is freeing as well (I will address this issue later this month). Consistency and Motivation-the two factors needed to perform at your highest level-that one's faith in Jesus Christ bring to the forefront in your competition.