Monday, August 3, 2009

Ever wake up tired...

It is funny how sometimes from a long night's rest you still wake up tired. Not always sure why but for whatever reason you still feel like you need to go back to bed. You sit there and wonder..."I just got a ton of sleep, but I could use some more." I feel like that sometimes with ministry, no matter what has been going on or what God has been doing through the ministry or how God has been using me to experience His kingdom on earth. I just feel exhausted and want to crawl back up to bed and hope for the morning to come again soon. I say to myself, "Jonathan, you should be okay, you haven't done that much to make you tired." Yet I am...

Just now I am thinking about motivation and how it plays an impact on how you feel and the desire to wake up and push through the thick fog of morning...Where's my coffee, back to work!


RJ said...

Motivation plays a huge deal into how I wake up in the morning. Without it I also just want to turn over and wish for a bad cough and call in sick. One thing have to be careful of is allowing the dull, emptiness, lack of motivation turning into depression.
I know that sounds like a big jump from being tired and not wanting to get up to full blown depression. It's not. It's a downward turn to falling into the mundane and living life without purpose, without a calling and without destiny.
My own weariness in the morning should press me to search my heart and see where my true motivations are resting. As much as I know this, still it's not easy to do daily. Developing spiritual habits that lead me to joy in the Father are ones I need to press into further. Perhaps there I will find something worth waking up for.

Anonymous said...

Motivation is a funny thing, if it is fixed on things, people etc. that are external or that can change you will be walking through life marred by ups and downs. It is only when your motivation comes from Someone who is fixed and doesn't change that leads one to consistancy in the Father and throughout your daily routine and life with others.