How do you view people? Not just those you see every day and are close friends with, but also the acquaintances, neighbors and the daily passer-by's. I was challenged a few days ago to truly evaluate how I view people as they relate to me. Are they just a commodity that I can use to get what I want, or try and manipulate for my gain? Or someone to make me feel good about myself so I have an emotional uplifting experience? Or do I view others as God views them, lovingly with a heart of compassion, created by Him, desire to know and embrace them? I have been studying the Gospel of Mark and in the first few chapters you see Jesus' heart toward all people...compassion, forgiveness, mercy, hope, grace and joy. Not sure about you, but I know I don't always portray these qualities when I am interacting with others, or even have these motives when I view someone else, especially with those I don't get along with or those who are looked down upon in our society. Let's ask God to change our eyes and how we view others with His eyes, His perspective and His heart of compassion, forgiveness, mercy, hope, grace and joy.
How about do you view others, and not just those closest to you? How is your heart towards them when you interact with them?
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