Could you imagine facing a man 9 foot tall in full armor garb getting ready to destroy you as a teenager? Everytime I read the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) I try and put myself in his shoes. Still can't quite get the magnitude of his situation and we will probably never truly grasp the pressure and daunting task of walking onto that battle field to fight.
But what allowed David to take those steps toward Goliath? What pushed him to approach the King of Israel and say 'he was going to fight the giant?' A lot had to do with two things, first was a reliance of God for protection and strength but it is the second that I want to focus on--it was David's past experiences that gave him courage to step onto the battle field with Goliath.
God had delivered and protected David from a lion and bear while watching over his father's sheep in the past and it seems somewhat surreal to just gloss over that comment...a lion and a bear. I don't know about you but those are two animals that I really don't want to encounter at any time in my life. But both times God gave David the strength to take them down and kill the lion and the bear.
Taking that past experience gave David confidence to approach the king and go to battle with Goliath and his past gave him strength and courage for the future!
How has your past experiences helped you to be courageous and have strength to take risks and fight your giants?
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